Last night I accidentally spilled my virgin cocktail on the floor. Yes, how pathetic am I, spilling drinks on the floor when I'm not even lit? Consequently, this afternoon my to do list included the entry "Wash living room floor."
Pain in the ass, because this activity requires moving furniture and vacuuming. But as I was getting started, I went "Hmmmm....what is it they say about making little changes making a big difference?"
I'd been meaning to bring this desk up from the basement and paint it SW Brevity Brown and install the new knobs, hang the mirror, and establish a little corner were I can charge the computer and ipod and camera (because as you all know, I tend to lose things) and maybe put the mail down, and stop piling everything up on the poor red chair. But it just seemed like such a big, messy project. But if I just didn't paint....
But once I'd moved the bookcase that sat there (which had hardly anything it in anyway) and brought the desk up from the basement, dusted it off and changed the knobs--even with having to locate a screwdriver, it only took 15 minutes. Finding my level and sinking screws for the mirror took another 20 minutes. Relocating the "Love Over And Over" album cover and the picture of my dad's family circa 1963---30 minutes.
Now I'm all organized! I have a place for the computer, the mail, my pens, my bags, my hand weights and the "To Be Read" pile. I can put on lipstick before leaving! Ponder the words of Andy Warhol! Doesn't it look awesome? I keep staring in wonderment.
* Said cocktail was Trader Joe's tangerine juice and ginger ale, because I couldn't find my prosecco to make a mimosa. Pretty dang good, though!