This Is Shambles House

One woman. Three cats. Few handyman skills. One 1914 American Foursquare in need of attention. Chaos and hijinks.

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Location: Phoenix, AZ, United States

I spend a lot of time riding the bus; the time I don't spend doing that or working I gleefully waste doing WHATEVER I DAMN WELL PLEASE.

Monday, December 25, 2006

All Hail The Tibet Almond Stick!

I've got issues with Apartment Therapy, but sometimes they really come through on their recommendations. I first read about the Tibet Almond Stick there last summer--a magic product that hides slight scratches in furniture. You buy it through old-timey hardware stores or by mail from its manufacturers, Zenith Chemical Works. It's only $5, including shipping. And it works! I swiped across some scratches left on the floor from moving the furniture, and they instantly vanished. Excellent! Because nothing drives me more nuts than minor imperfections.


Blogger MannyandJoe said...

I just had my rooms painted by the local fix-it guys and through the process i noticed the floors were scratched by the furniture in the house so i googled wood floor repair and came up with tibet almond stick, so i went to ace hardware and bought it along with three color sticks of minwax and tried the minwax first on a centimenter of the scratchs which are a few milimeters deep and was not pleased at all even with blending the three colors so i literally just got off the floor now from applying the tibet almond stick and i can not utter enough of my appreciation for the product it was simple easy and has an outstanding effect on the floor i could not tell unless i was laying on the floor non visibal to "normal" people. Buy it and you won't regret it a truly great product that anyone with hardwood floors should have in there Tool Chest.

4:26 PM  

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