This Is Shambles House

One woman. Three cats. Few handyman skills. One 1914 American Foursquare in need of attention. Chaos and hijinks.

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Location: Phoenix, AZ, United States

I spend a lot of time riding the bus; the time I don't spend doing that or working I gleefully waste doing WHATEVER I DAMN WELL PLEASE.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Just Wait A Second While I Spackle That Dent From Hitting The Wall With My Head

So, if a neutral decor is so important for resale, why buy property in the first place? Wasn't one of the reasons/pleasures of owning your own place supposed if you wanted an orange room, you could go ahead and do it? Those home shows on cable, they are all about the splashy decor and color.

Personally, agonizing over nine shades of white makes me want to slap people. Yet I can do it just as well as anyone!

Having just neutraled up Shambles House a bit for sale (pictures to follow), I'm of mixed thoughts on this. I'm someone who just lives with decor--it's one of the reasons why I'm a lousy homeowner. So I kinda like the neutral look, bit on the other hand I have a strong Slovak side that likes some SW Lime Rickey and other bright colors. There's a sizable contingent of buyers who immediately seek to change their surroundings and put a stamp on their new home, so neutralizing is sort of useless, no?


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