Input Requested!
I'm requesting input from my dear readers: up in the attic, I have a bunch of plastic dairy crates. You know, the heavy duty kind that are so valuable when you are in college for their stacking and organizational ability, but in the adult world? Not so much, and rather ugly. Considering that I'll be moving within the year, should I keep them or freecycle? On the one hand could be useful. On the other, maybe not and are just hanging around the place. They have slight sentimental attachments--no, I did not steal them in my halcycon (ha!) youth, my mom would get them from the deli that delivered sandwiches to her department. I said slight sentimental attachment. That deli had excellent pickles and good free sandwiches that she'd let me have in the car on the way home from school.
So: stay or go?
I was up in the attic to retrieve another object d'freecycle: a 6 foot cardboard standup promoting the release of "Moulin Rouge" on Cinemax. I picked it up off the treelawn some time ago, and I must confess I never properly capitalized on the spirit-lifting possibilities of having Ewan McGregor in the house.
So: stay or go?
I was up in the attic to retrieve another object d'freecycle: a 6 foot cardboard standup promoting the release of "Moulin Rouge" on Cinemax. I picked it up off the treelawn some time ago, and I must confess I never properly capitalized on the spirit-lifting possibilities of having Ewan McGregor in the house.

We currently, I am happy to say, are down to 1 milk crate. It is hidden from view in the closet. Not only can you get cardboard boxes for moving, and then either recycle them or store them flat (taking up much less space than crates).
Also, if you need storage boxes in the new place, the container store and Ikea offer inexpensive, much better looking options. (Like the boxes on the shelf in my living room.)
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